In Contract and Accounts tender notice is very important topic in this post we learn how to Drafting tender notice and Types of Tender notice.

Necessity of Tender :
Types of Tender
1. Local tender:
2. Global tender :
Tender Notice:
Points to be Included While Drafting Tender Notice:
1. Mode of submission:
2. Name of agency or department inviting tenders:
3. Name of work and its place:
4. Estimated cost of work:
5. Time limit:
6. Availability of form:
7. Earnest money:
8. Security deposit :
Drafting of Tender Notice:
Drafting a specimen tender notice for the construction of a Guest house building for the government.
1. Authority inviting tender is Executive Engineer.
2. Situation at Pune.
Tender Notice
(Public Works Department)
No. Date:
Sealed item rate tenders in form B, are invited by executive Engineer PW. Division Pune from registered contractors in the appropriate class for the following work.
Sr.No | Name of work | Estimate cost in RS. | Earnest money in Rs | Security Deposit of Rs | Time of completion |
1. | Construction of guest house building for Govt. Pune | 30,21,500/- | 30,215/- | 1,51,075/- | 18 Months |
Blank tender form at a nonrefundable cost of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 600/- required by post) can be obtained from the office of Executive Engineer P.W Division No. 1 Pune upto 4.00 p.m. during working hours on all working days (Except Sunday and holidays) from… to… Tenders will be received in the office of the Executive Engineer up to 3.00 p.m. on….. and shall be opened on the same day at 4.00 pm in the presence of contractors who may like to attend.
The right reserved to reject any or all tenders, without assigning any reasons.
Executive Engineer
Specimen form of a tender notice:
Sealed tenders are invited in (type of) tender form from of registered Contractors……. class, for the work as mentioned below and will be received in sealed covers addressed to (Name of agency inviting tender), duly superscribed with the name of the work, by the undersigned, in his office upto the date and time noted as below and will be opened on the same day, in the presence of intending contractors, if possible. A certified true copy of the registration will have to be tendered with the application, by the contractor, for the issue of the tender form.
1. An amount as mentioned below should be paid on account of earnest money by cash, or demand draft drawn in the favor of……. Name of agency
inviting tenders.
i) Name of work……………..
ii) Estimated cost of work Rs………….
iii) Earnest money Rs……………
iv) Security Deposit. Rs………………….. in cash
and Rs…………….. through interim bills
v) Time of completion… Rs…………………..
vi) Cost of blank tender form Rs………………
(Non-refundable)Rs. 20 extra if required by post
vii) Blank tender forms will be available between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays except on Sundays and holidays.
viii) Last date of receiving tenders…… at…….. p.m.
ix) Date of opening the tenders……… at……
x) Class of registration of the contractors to whom the tender is open……..
- Additional information if any regarding the contract can be obtained from the office of the understand during office hours only.
3. The offer shall remain valid for 90 days from the date of opening of tenders.
4. The rates being quoted by the contractor will be in metric units only.
5. The right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason is reserved with the undersigned.
Executive Engineer
or Name of the authority
inviting tender
Q1.Define ‘Tender’.
Q2.Write the necessity of ‘Tender’.
Q3.Define Tender notice.
Q4.Write the points to be included while drafting the tender notice.

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