The minor commands 420 hector a irrigated area it’s proposed to take wheet crop one area a kor period for the wheet is consider to be 3 week a kor depth is 10 cm . In this period 2.75 cm of rainfall is normally expected with intensity that 50% of this would be taken as super flow consider in 10% convenience losses find out.
1) Duty of channel water at field yeild
2) head discharge of minor


The minor commands 420 hector a irrigated area its proposed to take wheet crop one area a kor period scaled

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Q) The gross commanded area for a distributary is 6000 hectares, 80% of which is culturable irrigable. The intensity of irrigation for Rabi season is 50% and that for Kharif season is 25%. If the average duty at the head of the distributary is 2000 hectare/cumec for Rabi season and 1000 hectares/cumec for Kharif season, find out the discharge required

2. Water Requirement of crop 

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