Table of Contents
If you applying for any govt project you must have Tender Documents & Schedule A,B,C this Document are very important to a Contractor.
Tender Documents
Introduction :
To understand the detailed procedure of tendering and to fill out the tender form an engineer and a contractor must know about tender documents.
When a work, is executed other than a petty work the department or architect prepares the ‘contract document‘.
Both parties in the contract take place should sign on every page of tender documents. Also, care has to be taken to see all corrections, alternations, and overwriting in agreements are duly initialed. date by both parties, otherwise dispute occurs among them.

List of Tender Documents
1. Title page: Regarding the agreement number. 2. Index 3. Tender notice 4. General instructions. 5. Special conditions 6. Form of contract 7. Schedule ‘A’ Showing details of materials to be supplied by department. 8. Schedule ‘B’ Bill of quantities. 9. Schedule ‘C’ Detailed item-wise specifications and 10. drawings. Specifications: General and detailed. 11. A complete set of drawings (contract drawings). |
Tender Document List in Civil Engineering
Regarding the agreement number.
Table of contents for the document.
Announcement of the tender.
Guidelines and procedures.
Specific conditions related to the tender.
Contractual agreement form.
Details of materials supplied by the department.
Bill of quantities.
Detailed item-wise specifications and drawings.
General and detailed specifications.
A complete set of contract drawings.
1. Title page
This is the first page of the document, giving details such as the name of the work, contract agreement number, estimated amount, etc.
2. Index
Showing contents of documents with their respective page numbers.
3. Tender notice
The tender notice inviting quotations from different contractors is included which forms an important document.
4. General instructions
General instructions are inserted at the beginning of tender documents. These will guide the contractor in filling and completing the tender documents.
5. Special conditions and terms
Conditions of the contract mainly depend on the nature of the work. That includes regarding the use of special construction equipment, taxes, etc.
Typical special conditions are:
a) Time limit mentioned in tender notice including rainy season also.
b) Contractors shall make arrangements for constructing sheds for their staff and workers.
c) Contractor should submit a list of all equipment that he possesses.
d) Hand mixing is not allowed, use concrequantit
6. Form of contract
P.W.D. and other public bodies have agreed forms such as A1, A2, B1, and B2, etc.
A1- For piece work (% rate)
A2 – For piece work (item rate)
B1- Percent rate tender for contracts (regular contract) for original major and minor works.
B2- For supply of materials.
7. Schedule ‘A’
Schedule ‘A’ is a statement showing the details of materials agreed to be supplied to the contractor from the P.W.D. store for the works and the rates at which the materials are to be charged. The particular commonly shown in schedule A are,
(i)Description of material to be supplied.
(ii) Approximate quantity
(iii) The rates at which the materials will be charged and
(iv) The place of delivery of the material.
Schedule showing (Approximately) the material supplied to the contractors from the public works department stores for the works and the rates at which the materials are to be supplied,
Schedule ‘A’
Schedule showing the list of material to be supplied by the department.
Serial No. | Particular of Materials | Approximate.
Qty | Issue
Rate | Place of Delivery |
1. | Cement | |||
2. | Steel:
1. M.S Bar 2. H.Y.S.D. |
Signature of Contractor Signature of
Date: Owner/Executive Engineer
a)Name of materials:
Cement and steel are to be the main materials agreed to be supplied. These are the items whose rates may go very high and materials may not be available in time in the market. So all these materials should be mentioned in the column.
b)Approximate Quantity to be supplied:
The approximate quantity of all these materials required for the completion of work is worked out and mentioned against their serial numbers.
c) Rates:
Rates for each material to be supplied are worked out based on the actual cost, transportation.. charges, establishment charges, etc.
8. Schedule ‘B’ (Bill of Quantities)
-Schedule ‘B’ is a list of constructional items to be carried out for satisfactory completion of the work.
-It specifies a brief description of each item, approximate estimated quantity, the rate per unit (estimated or tendered) the amount of each item, and the total amount of all the items.
-A contractor has to insert his offer on ‘schedule B’ only. -In the Item rate tender the contractor has to insert the rate of each item, the cost of his item, and the total of all items.
This schedule is usually in the following proforma:
Schedule ‘B
List of items of work to be executed.
Note: 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________ Signature of Contractor Signature of Date: Owner/Executive Engineer |
9. Schedule ‘C’
It is the list of items along with item numbers, and the standard page number of the detailed specification booklet!! specification item number, and specifications.
This is for machinery, special plants, rates, etc.
Proforma of schedule – C
Site of Work:_____ Place:_________
No. | Item | Standard Page No. | Specification Item No. | Additional if any | Specification |
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Q1. What is Schedule B?. Explain.
Q2. Explain the term ‘Schedule B.
Q3. What is Schedule-A? Explain.

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