Classes of Contractor :

Depending upon technical capability and financial status the contractors are classified by the competent Maharashtra Government authorities with effect from 6th September 1982 as, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII or as Ai, A, B, B, B₁, C, D and E.

The capability of doing works estimated upto the limits are given as –

For general works

Class I – No limit

Class II -up to Rs. 3 crores

Class III – up to Rs. 1 crores

Class IV – up to 50 lakhs

Class V – up to 15 lakhs

Class VI- up to 5 lakhs

Class VII – up to 2 lakhs.

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Registration of Contractor:

The contractor interested in registering his name with the Government shall apply, to the competent authority to sanction it.

The applicant has to submit the documents regarding his financial status, a  certificate of solvency obtained from the District Collector or S.D.O. of that district or a Banker’s certificate also a certificate of professional capacity and reliability from the officers known to the contractor.

In addition to the above, different documents required along with the application form are,

1 . Latest income-tax clearance certificate.
2 . Technical staff with their qualification and experience employed by contractors.
3 . List of Machinery with their condition.

4. Financial status proof, supported by a certificate of solvency.

5 . Attested copies of the partnership deed, in case of partnership firm,m, and copy of power of attorney.

6. Registration fee is required to pay while submitting the registration form. For graduate engineers and diploma holders, getting

registration directly for class VII contractors.

Sample application form for registration as contractorgaven below in that number of information filled as follows:
Prescribed – Application form for registration as a contractor

1. Name of the applicant with full address:

2 . Details of firm i.e. Joint Stock Company, Hindu Undivided Family, Individual,l, etc. :
3 . Name of person holding power of attorney:

4 . Name of sole proprietors/partners with particulars:

5. Name of bankers with full address:

6. Place of business:

7. Class in which registration is sought:

8. Whether the contractor desires to deposit Lump-sum money for securing exemption from the earnest depositors will pay earnest money with each tender:

9. List of works executed during the last three years preceding the

date of application:

(i) Name of work

(ii) Amount of work put to tender

(iii) Date and year of commencement

(iv) Amount spent during each of the last three years

(v)Amount of work still to be completed.

10. List of tools and plants possessed by the contractor :

11. Technical qualification and experience of the partner/proprietor and details of technical employees in the firm :

12. Tools and plants, machinery,s, etc. owned by the contractor :

13. Whether enlisted in any other Department / Organisation or other state:

14. Has the applicant or his partner Blacklisted by the Government, in part, and whether the applicant applied for registration elsewhere,e and whether the application was rejected?

15. Is an Up-to-date income-tax clearance certificate enclosed or not? 16 . Amount of solvency certificate that the applicant has held or produced.

17. I/we certify that I/we have been not and will not get myself/ourselves registered as contractors in the department under more than one name signature and Address.

BOT Project:-


BOT [Built-Operate-Transfer] means the government grants investment enterprises operational concessionaire within a period permits them to construct and administrate certain public infrastructure by financing, and authorizes them to pay off loans, reclaim investments and make a profit through charging from users or selling products.
Upon the conclusion of the concessionaire period, the infrastructure will be transferred to the government at no cost.
India has a tremendous demand for infrastructure. The Indian government has proactively engaged the private sector in the pursuit of creative solutions to meet the market through a Private Finance Initiative (PFI). BOT is the financing technique used to try and get infrastructure projects off the ground.

Advantages of BOT:

(1) It saves time because the service provider is presumably more expert at assembling the infrastructure and obtaining local regulatory consent.

(2) Benefits of new infrastructure and obtaining local regulatory consents.

(3) Encourage private investment.

(4) Inject new foreign capital into the country.

(5) Releasing the burden on the public budget for public budget infrastructure development.

Disadvantages of BOT:

(1) Additional costs are incurred to pay a profit to the service provider for the value of its know-how and time in assembling the service delivery infrastructure.
(2) Risk factors in BOT projects-cost overruns, time overruns, and drying up of finance during construction.

3.  Problems in land acquisition, problems created by local influential people.

4. Political risk: especially in developing countries because of the possibility of dramatic overnight political change.

5. Risks after construction: Non-payment of toll by the users, changes in the prevailing laws, changes in the tax structure, long-term economic uncertainty,y and currency fluctuation.


The Pune-Mumbai Express highway was constructed on a BOT Basis with toll rights. The Pune-Nasikk highway from NashikPhataa to Rajgurunagarwas also constructed on BOT Basis. That total amount invested will be recovered through toll collection, during the concession period, from vehicles using the facility. At the end of the concession period,d the road and all facilities will be handed over to the government.

Examples of BOT projects:

(1) Name of project :
Chatham ROB on BOT, based on NH-8 Name of Entrepreneur: Ashwika Construction Co.
Project cost: Rs. 9.93 crore.
Date of completion of the project: 15/07/1998
Date of Completion of concession period:

(2)Name of project :

Mahi bridge on BOT base on NH-8
Name of Entrepreneur: Vijay M. Mistry and Raj Kamal Builders Project cost: Rs. 42-50 crore.Date of completion of the project: 8/4/2000 Date of completion of concession period:

(3) Name of project :

Narmada Bridge on a BOT basis on NH-8.
Name of Entrepreneur : (NICE) L and T Ltd and ECC construction project cost: Rs. 113.00 crore. Date of completion of the project: 30/09/2000Datea of completion of concession period:
20/12/2012Thee Investment and utilization of resources from the government alone in public infrastructures like roads, bridges, and airports. Drinking water supply etc. is not adequate. To cope with the increasing need for infrastructure expansion and to meet the financial budget, it is vital to involve the private sector in the construction of such infrastructure on a Built-operate and transfer system.

Q1.State the documents required for registration as a contractor.
Q2.List the document to be submitted at the time of registration as a contractor.
Q3.Write a short note on the BOT project.
Q4.State salient features of the BOT project. Give two examples of it.
Q5.What is meant by a BOT project? Give two examples of this project in Maharashtra State.


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