In this post we learn about the submission of tender and what is procedure of opening tender in detail this post May be helps you to understand the Application of tender.
Table of Contents
Q. Explain the procedure of submission of tender.
The procedure of Submission of Tender
The tender shall be submitted in envelopes marked as 1, 2, 3, and 4 and each envelope shall contain the following details. And this document are important to Submission of tender.
(1) Envelope marked no. 1: This envelope shall contain the earnest money deposit in the form indicated in the notice of invitation to tender.
(2) Envelope marked no. 2: The envelope must include the subsequent details:
(a) Covering letter to the tender.
(b) The tenderer may provide concise statements, citing specific items, clauses, and pages from the tender documents, for any desired comments they wish to make.
(c) The solvency certificate from bank authorities.
(d) The latest income tax clearance certificate.
(e) A list of works of similar nature and magnitude carried out by the tenderer in the following proforma.
- Serial no.
- Name of work
- Cost of work
- Date of commencement
- Stipulated date of completion
- Actual date of completion
- Remarks, if any
(f) 3-42 Tender & Tender Documents Details of plant and machinery available which the tenderer proposes to use in this construction work in the following proforma :
- Serial no.
- Name of equipment
- No. of units
- Kind of makes
- Capacity
- Age and condition
- Present location
- Remarks, if any.
(g) Details of technical staff employed by t tenderer and details of technical staff who will be posted on this work, if the job is awarded to him, in the following proforma:
- Serial no.
- Name of person
- Technical qualifications
- Experience
- Remarks, if any
(h)Complete details of works in hand at the time of submission of the tender in the following proforma:
- Serial no.
- Name of work
- Date of commencement
- Location
- Tendered cost
- Value of completed work
- Stipulated data completion
- Anticipated date of completion
- Name of owner
- Remarks, if any.
(i)Details of registration with government or ser government authorities.
(j) Details about the firm such as constitution firm, year of incorporation, and registration date. name of partners, etc.
(3) Envelope marked no. 3: This envelope shall contain the priced tender form will the signature of the tenderer.
(4) Envelope marked no. 4: This shall be a large envelope of adequate size and it shall contain the above-mentioned envelopes marked numbers 1, 2, and 3. This envelope shall be properly sealed and shall be endorsed on the outside face “Tender for the name of the project”. This envelope shall be deposited or mailed by registered. A.D. to reach the place on or before the date & time.
The procedure of Opening Tender :
All the public tenders received on or before the due date must be opened on the date and time in the tender notice in the following sequence. The outer envelope number 4, should be opened in the office on the date and time (as mentioned in the tender notice) in the presence of contractors present at that time. Following that, envelope number 1, which contains the earnest money deposit, will be opened. If the deposited earnest money does not adhere to the prescribed requirements, the tender will be returned unopened. to the concerned contractor if present. After this, envelope number 2 containing a covering letter, solvency, income tax clearance certificate, etc. is opened, thoroughly scrutinized ar his financial status is determined.
Lastly, envelope number 3 containing tender for (with duly quoted rates) is to be opened on the same or any other date that will be announced and intimated to the contractor.
The tenders should preferably be opened in alphabetical order (of names contractors) and the authority opening the tender shall prepare a list of contractors (or tenderers) or their representatives who are present and their signatures are taken of their presence.
However, in the case of tenders invited by private agencies, the contractors may not be required to remain present at the time of opening of tenders.
Tenders of persons directly or indirectly related to the Government service should not be accepted.
Also Read,
Online tender submission procedure
Tender Related Documents information

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