Delhi experienced an unexpected earthquake early on Monday morning, prompting warnings from Prime Minister Narendra Modi for people in northern India to remain alert for potential aftershocks. The earthquake shook the city just after 5:30 AM local time, causing significant alarm across the region.
Details of the Delhi Earthquake

- Magnitude: The earthquake was measured at a magnitude of 4.2 by the US Geological Survey and 4.0 by the National Centre for Seismology of India.
- Epicenter: The epicenter was located near the Dhaula Kuan area, roughly 7.5 km southwest of the Indian Parliament.
- Depth: The earthquake occurred at a depth of 5 kilometers.
- Tremors: The tremors were felt across New Delhi and nearby areas, including parts of northern India.
Immediate Impact and Response
As news spread, residents of New Delhi and nearby areas rushed outside their homes in fear of more tremors. Fortunately, no immediate reports of severe damage or casualties were received. The Delhi Police set up an emergency hotline for residents to report any issues. A statement from them said: “We hope you all are safe, Delhi.”
Hours after the initial tremor in Delhi, another earthquake of magnitude 4.0 struck Siwan city in Bihar at around 8:02 AM local time. The temblor was reported at a depth of 10 km, further adding to concerns about seismic activity in the region.
Prime Minister Modi’s Message
Prime Minister Modi took to X (formerly Twitter), urging the public to remain calm and follow safety precautions. He posted:
“Tremors were felt in Delhi and nearby areas. Stay alert for aftershocks. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation.”
This statement was part of a broader effort by the government to keep the public informed about the earthquake’s aftermath and any potential risks.
Seismic Activity in the Dhaula Kuan Region
This earthquake wasn’t the first to occur in the Dhaula Kuan region. In fact, the area has seen seismic activity before, including a 3.3-magnitude earthquake in 2015. Dr. OP Mishra, the director of the National Centre for Seismology, confirmed that this earthquake was the most powerful in Dhaula Kuan since a 4.7-magnitude quake in 2007.
Eyewitness Accounts
A resident of West Delhi, Naresh Kumar, shared his experience with the media, describing it as his first time feeling such a strong earthquake.
“Everyone was outside their homes, visibly afraid,” he said.
A passenger at the New Delhi railway station also spoke about the tremors, comparing them to the vibrations caused by underground trains.
“Everything was shaking,” he remarked.
Understanding Earthquakes in Delhi
Earthquakes, though rare in the heart of Delhi, are not unheard of. They typically occur along the geological fault line where the Indian tectonic plate collides with the Eurasian plate, which gives rise to the mighty Himalayas. Though earthquakes centered directly on Delhi are unusual, seismic activity is common in the surrounding regions.
Recent Seismic Events in the Region
This earthquake comes at a time of heightened seismic activity in the Himalayan region. Just a month ago, a powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck near one of Tibet’s sacred cities, claiming at least 126 lives and damaging thousands of homes in Nepal, Bhutan, and India.
Conclusion: Stay Alert
As the aftershocks of Delhi earthquake today continue to be felt, the public has been urged to remain vigilant and cautious. Authorities are working to assess the full extent of the damage and provide support to affected areas. Stay updated and follow official safety guidelines to ensure your safety during this seismic event.
The Delhi earthquake today serves as a reminder of the region’s vulnerability to earthquakes. While the tremors did not cause immediate major damage, the event highlights the importance of preparedness and awareness. Stay alert for aftershocks and follow safety precautions to stay safe in the aftermath.
दिल्लीला आज सकाळी जोरदार भूकंपाचा धक्का बसला, ज्यामुळे नागरिकांमध्ये भीतीचे वातावरण निर्माण झाले. पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी लोकांना शांत राहण्याचे आणि संभाव्य आफ्टरशॉक्ससाठी सतर्क राहण्याचे आवाहन केले.
भूकंपाचे तपशील:
- तीव्रता: यूएस जिओलॉजिकल सर्व्हेनुसार 4.2 आणि नॅशनल सेंटर फॉर सिस्मोलॉजीनुसार 4.0 तीव्रतेचा भूकंप
- केंद्रबिंदू: दिल्लीच्या धौला कुआन भागात, संसदेपासून 7.5 किमी अंतरावर
- खोली: 5 किमी
- परिणाम: दिल्ली आणि उत्तर भारतातील अनेक भागात हादरे जाणवले
भूकंपानंतर परिस्थिती
भूकंपाच्या धक्क्यांमुळे लोक झोपेतून बाहेर पडले आणि अनेकांनी घराबाहेर धाव घेतली. दिल्ली पोलिसांनी आपत्कालीन क्रमांक जाहीर केला आणि नागरिकांनी सुरक्षित राहावे असे सांगितले. सुदैवाने, कोणतीही मोठी हानी किंवा जीवितहानीची नोंद नाही.
पंतप्रधान मोदी यांचे आवाहन
पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी X (माजी ट्विटर) वर पोस्ट करत नागरिकांना सतर्क राहण्यास सांगितले.
“दिल्ली आणि आसपासच्या भागात भूकंपाचे धक्के जाणवले. सर्वांनी शांत राहावे आणि सुरक्षिततेचे नियम पाळावेत. प्रशासन परिस्थितीवर बारकाईने लक्ष ठेवत आहे.”
धौला कुआन परिसरात भूकंपाचे इतिहास
हा पहिलाच भूकंप नाही. 2015 मध्ये येथे 3.3 तीव्रतेचा आणि 2007 मध्ये 4.7 तीव्रतेचा भूकंप झाला होता.
प्रत्यक्षदर्शींची प्रतिक्रिया
पश्चिम दिल्लीत राहणारे नरेश कुमार म्हणाले,
“मी पहिल्यांदाच एवढा मोठा भूकंप अनुभवला. सर्वजण घराबाहेर आले आणि घाबरले होते.”
दिल्लीमध्ये भूकंप का होतो?
दिल्ली जवळील टेक्टोनिक प्लेट्सच्या हालचालींमुळे येथे अधूनमधून भूकंप होतात. हिमालयाच्या निर्मितीमुळे या भागात भूकंपाची शक्यता अधिक असते.
नागरिकांनी काय करावे?
- आफ्टरशॉक्स येऊ शकतात, सतर्क राहा.
- मजबूत संरचांखाली आश्रय घ्या.
- सरकारी सूचना आणि आपत्कालीन क्रमांक लक्षात ठेवा.
दिल्ली भूकंप आज हा एक महत्त्वाचा इशारा आहे. जरी मोठी हानी झाली नसली तरी सतर्क राहणे गरजेचे आहे. भविष्यातील आफ्टरशॉक्ससाठी सावध राहा आणि सुरक्षिततेच्या उपाययोजना करा.

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